
Local History Books

Local Histories are available for viewing, searching
and downloads at:

U of M's Digital Collections

Direct download links to those in Prairie Lakes

Belmont Area: The Path of the Pioneers

Belmont Area: Strathcona - Portrait of a Prairie Municipality

Riverside Heritage

History of the Riverside Municipality

And So Ninette

Hilton Heritage

(Parts of Prairie Lakes were originally in the RM of Argyle)

Baldur Argyle

Historical Sketches of Argyle Municipality

Local History Articles

The Crofters

The Gregory Mill

(A chapter from "False Starts)

The Gregory Mill (pdf)

The Baldur Gazette - Special Edition 1899

Belmont was part of the R.M of Argyle at that time. The Gazette reported on events in Belmont & Hilton.

The Baldur Gazette - Special Edfition 1899

Hilton Report (pdf)

Belmont Report (pdf)

The Huntley & Glendenning Districts

The Huntley & Glendenning Districts (pdf)

Rowland & District

Rowland & District (pdf)

The Pre-European Native Inhabitants

The Pre-European Native Inhabitants (pdf)

Burial Mounds and Pre-Contact Cultures

Burial Mounds and Pre-Contact Cultures  (pdf)

Lang's Valley

Hartney Junction

Adapted from an interview conducted by Howard Jackson for the Westman Oral History Association Project, Voices of Yesteryear.

The Hokanson Site

Archaeological report on a bison kill site and camp.

and so ...Ninettte, 1879 - 1919 (Local History Book)

Photo from the Municipality of Grassland Collection