Our Heritage  People / Index

We Made Carberry


Malcom McLaren 



Malcolm McLaren, his wife, and sons John, James, Duncan, Dugald and Archibald, came to the Fairview area in 1878 and became prominent citizens and farmers.

Each of their sons, except Archibald who was too young, filed for homesteads.

They lived in a sod shanty until they could get logs for a house. This house was the first one in the district and also on the plain. The lumber for floors and windows, etc., was hauled from Winnipeg by horses and oxen, as the railway wouldn’t arrive for another two years. This house still stood, unoccupied, on the spot where it was built until the modern era.


The Mr. and Mrs. McLaren lived, like their neighbors, in this comfortable log house until 1907 when they built a fine new house.

Our Heritage  People / Index