Heritage Resources / People / Index

The “Four Billies” Curling Rink

Biography:  W.A. “Bunty” Bannister, W.Hope, W Williams, W. Vanderbilt.
Claims:  Credited with originating the “knock out”  style of curling. MCA Champs 1904.
Probable Significance: Moderate
Source:  Carberry Plains, Century One / 277/ The Carberry Plains, 75 Years of Progress
Content:  Some additional information

The Maple Leaf Football Club

Claims:  Manitoba and Northwest Assoc. Champions – several years. 1896. Toured Easter Canada and U.S. losing only 11 games.
Probable Significance:  Moderate
Source:  Carberry Plains, Century One / / The Carberry Plains, 75 Years of Progress / 135
Images:  As Above
Content:  Some additional information


Heritage Resources / People / Index