Our Heritage  People / We Made Baldur

We Made Baldur

Notable People from Baldur's Past

The list of Baldur’s notable people has mostly been arranged alphabetically, according to last names, with four exceptions. The first four entries have been determined to more effectively set the stage for those who follow, describing pioneer experiences and early farm life.

Christopherson, Sigurder

Porter, William

Playfair, A.W.

Dale, James

Taylor, William Stuart

Parsonage, Everett

Stark, William

Families of Influence

Chester, Jessie

Cleghorn Dr. Irving

Curtis, Percival

Playfair, George W.

Schultz, Frank

Bateman, Mildred

Community  Religious Leaders

Fowler, Alex

Goodman, Harry

Johnson, Christian

Harrower, John

Lee, Foon

Hernit Christopherson

Poole, Thomas

Schultz, Margaret

Snydal, Karolina (Nurse)

Stevens, Fred

The Invincibles

Johnson, Tommy

Our Heritage  People / Index