The Argyle Photo Archive


Arranged Alphabetically

For more photos of people visit the Sveinsson Collection and the Hallgrimson Collection

People  /  A

Asmunder Asmundson

People  /  B  /

Mildred Bateman

People  /  C  /

Jesse Chester

Jessie Chester

Herb Christopherson

Hernit Chistopherson

Hernit Chistopherson

Sigurdur Chistopherson

William and Mary Clark

Dr. Irving Cleghorn

Dr. Irving Cleghorn

Dr. Irving Cleghorn and Katherine

A.E. Cramer Family

John Cummings Family
Mary, Flora, John, Janet, May, Mackie,Caroline

Let Williamson & John Cummings

Percy Curtis

People  /  D  /

James Dale

Richard Dearsley Family

People  /  F  /

Alex Fowler

Alex Fowler

People  /  G  /

William (W.O.) and Katherine Fowler

People  /  H  /

Sigridur Fridbjorn and Felix Frederickson

Gudbjoprg and Gudmunder Gudmundson

Byring and Borga Hallgrimson

Charles and Alice Hamilton

Charles Hamilton Home

Dr. and Anne Hanks

John Harrower

John Harrower

Alice Hiscock

Doris and John Jr. Hiscock with Jim, Betty and Bob, about 1941

John Hiscock Sr.

People  /  J  /

Bergur Johnson, school caretaker for 25 years

Christian Johnson

Christian and Arnbjorg Johnson

Tom Johnson

People  /  L /

George Lawrence

Lee Foon Family

Lee Foon with Lilly. Mrs. Lee Foon with Ken (Kwong)

William and Phyliss Lockhart

People  /  N  /

Joseph & Ellen Neelin

Nelson Family
LLoyd, Jack, Mabel, Mrs. J. Nelson, John, Mark,  Frank

Jack and Alma Nelson

People  /  O  /

Olafson Family

People  /  P  /

Henry and Elizabeth Parsonage

Haldora Peterson

Annie Playfair

A.W. Playfair Family

Ethyl, Etta, Minnie
Andrew W. & Agnes, taken on their 50th Wedding Anniversary in 1922

Thomas E. Poole

Annie and James Porter

William Porter Family

Bertha and Earl Preston

Preston Family

People  /  R  /

Nelson Ramage

"Nurse" Robinson

Commercial Sites  /  S  /

Ivan Schultz

Margaret and Frank Schultz

Frank Schultz

Margaret (Maggie) Schultz

John and Olga Sigvaldason

Skardal Family

Karolina Snydal

Fred Stevens Family

George and Jane Stillwell

George and Jane Stillwell

James, Peter and Henry Strang

Gudrun and Arni Sveinsson

People  /  T  /

Dr. Paul, Elizabeth, Dr. Jack and Frances Tisdale

People  /  V  / 

Chirs and Nettie Vickers

People  /  W  / 

Albert, Jane and Harry Warrener

Richard and Louisa Wilson