Heritage Resources / People / Index

Clark, Walter

Biography:  1890
Claims: Death of daughter Madge of pneumonia in 1930 prompted Walter to later help establish Baldur Hospital. Reeve for 18 years
1955 – 57 Liberal M.L.A
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Come Into Our Heritage / 346
Images: As Above
Content: Good additional information

Lawrence, George

Biography: Born ON.  Died 1924
Claims: One of the earliest homesteaders in the Glenora / Rock Lake area. 1878 . 1883 – Agricultural Implement Dealer – Massey Manufacturing Co.
Councilor for Derby 1883 Argyle 1885
MLA 1899 – 1915
1912 Minister of Agriculture
Set up Immigration Offices in England, Ireland and Scotland
Influenced the building of the Wakopa  Branch from Greenway through Neelin
 1922 Moved to Berkley California

Probable Significance: High
Source: Come Into Our Heritage / 521
Images: As Above
Content: Good additional information


Schultz, Ivan

Biography:  1891, Belmont; Died 1974
Claims: Ivan Schultz Q.C. was a lawyer, MLA (1930) Minsiter of Education, Minister of Health and Public Welfare (1944). Served under three premiers. Was Minister responsible for the Legislative Library. 1952 Attorney General. Justice of the Manitoba Court of Appeal 1955 – 1966. 1955 – 57 Liberal M.L.A
Probable Significance: High
Source: Come Into Our Heritage / 346
Images: As Above
Content: Good additional information