which covers the plains seemingly all in a day. One has not infrequently seen the water on the low ground a foot deep in the morning and gone in the evening while in another day or  two the black alluvinm,  which like the blackened plate of glass, absorbs heat in seemingly enormous quantities, is dry and powdery in the fields plowed in the autumn. Seeding proceeds when the frost is not more than four inches out of  the ground.  Then in a few days the prairie is   dotted with the spring flowers. Seldom is the spring long, damp  and cold.     Spring comes, growth is phenomenal, and the  harvest of  spring wheat is   ripened in the middle of August.

With such a soil, marvelous in the amount of its   plant  foods,   and with the long, bright, even occasional¬ly hot summer day, the metabolism of the plant cells is so rapid  as only to be likened to the  growth of  plants under grass.  To the plodding, laboring,  waiting husbandman of  England  or   Scotland it seems so unreal as to be increditable   that four, or at most  five short months should yield,  for an area of 1,500,000 acres, some 30,000,000 bushels of wheat, and as much   more of other grains,  to feed the   toiling  millions  of continental cities.


View of the Elevators, Hilton, showing part of the town.
Photo by F. Stevens

Cost of Farming: an Acre of Wheat.

A careful estimate of the cost growing an acre of wheat made by the superintendent of Experimental Farm at Brandon. This was the result of actual experi¬ment in a yield of twenty-nine bushels. The items of cost are: Plowing once, $1.25; harrrowing twice, 20 cents; cul¬tivating twice, 40 cents; seed (1 ½   bushels), 75 cents; drilling, 22 cents; binding. 33 cents ; cord 20 cents ; stock¬ing, 16 cents; stacking, 60 cents; threshing $1.46; teaming to market, four miles, 29 cents; two years' rent, interest on land valued at $15 per acre, at 6 per cent, $1.80 wear and tear of implements, 20 cents. A total of $7.87,

Open Winter

As a great many people have pictured Manitoba as a frozen, cold region from the end of September or beginning of October until the following April, it will afford a great deal of enlightenment for such to know that on and up to the end of November, farmers all over the province were plowing and harrowing their land. Wild fowl was plentiful, large flocks of grey geese still feeding in this particular district.


Argyle’s Eastern Burg

Hilton came to life iu the fall of 1889 with the advent of the Northern Pacific railway but did not do much for a year or two; the Manitoba Elevator company, built one elevator that winter, there being nothing further done in the building line until the spring of 1892 when C. Brown put in a lumber yard and Hardware store. Since that time the town has grown steadily until it has reached its present prosperous condition. The nature of the surrounding country is especially adapted to wheat growing, frozen wheat being unknown in the vicinity. The land is of rolling prairie dotted with bluffs, and affords the very best facilities for stook raising, as is testified to by the prosperous condition of the farmers in this locality. Although the town is not as large as its sister towns it has one of the best markets in the municipality, three elevators being situated at this place, name¬ly the Northern Elevator with a capacity of 15,000 bushels, Dominion Elevator 25000 bushels, and the Winnipeg Elevator total capacity of 85,000 bushels. There have been from 100,000 to 300, 000 bushels of wheat marketed in a season according to the crops of the several years. There are several lots of good land for sale in the neighborhood, held by speculators, which would add greatly to our advancement if it were bought up by the actual settler and put under cultivation.

The business firms in Hilton are as follows:


Mr. Chris Brown, of the firm of Brown & Scott, Reeve of the Municipality of Argyle, mayor of Hilton, an exceptionally successful business men and probably the most popular resident of the municipality, started in busi¬ness in Hilton in 1892, and has extended his business to every branch of the general store line. A year ago he opened a branch store at

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