Theme: The Fur Trade
Vantage Points Stories (Books, Online & pdf)
Vantage Point Flashbacks (Radio Broadcasts)

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Theme: The Fur Trade
Format: Vantage Points Article

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 and as print-ready PDF files

For a Radio Broadcast based on the story select the "Vantage Points Flashback" link.
For more info about locations follow the "Places Link".
To visit a related website follow the "Web Link" (There may be more than 1).
To download a related Document click the "Document Link".

American Forts on the Souris River     Web  / PDF     Vol.  III, Page 17
The American Fur Company’s attempt to lay claim to the furs along the Souris River

Ash House    Web  / PDF    Vol.  I, Page 9
Ash House was built on the north shore of the Souris as a canoe fort. 1795 - 1797

Fort Desjarlais     Web  / PDF     Vol.  I, Page 13
Fort Desjarlais is remembered today as the most prominent and successful of the Souris River trading posts.
Vantage Points FlashbacksRadio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources
Places Link

Fort Mr. Grant     Web  / PDF     Vol.  I, Page 12
Fort Mr. Grant was established near Hartney by Cuthbert Grant on behalf of the Hudson's Bay Company. 

John Pritchard       Web  / PDF      Vol.  I, Page 11
A Normally Competent Fur Trader Loses His Way
Vantage Points Flashbacks      Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources

Lena House      Web  / PDF     Vol.  I, Page 10   
Lena House is one of two fur trading posts which were located on Turtle Mountain, though its exact location has never been determined.

Theme: The Fur Trade
Format: Radio Broadcast

#1: Goodbye at Sourisford 
Charlie West felt invisible at Sourisford, before other began to arrive.
Date: 1880   Place: Sourisford   : Municipality:  Two Borders    

Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  | 

Trails & Rivers  / Fur Trade / Dakota, Nakota & First Nations  / Community Cooperation & Organization

#9 John Pritchard /   Barely Alive
A Fur Trade Era survival story.

#32: The Nakota  
The Nakota were frequently allies with explorers and fur traders. They enjoyed the benefits they got from trading but they were vulnerable to deceases Europeans brought.
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


Fur Trade      Dakota, Nakota & First Nations     Schools & Teachers    Land Knowledge & Archaeology   Cross Cultural Learning        War & Conflict

#35: The Dakota
In the 1870's a delegation of Dakota-Sioux led by Chief H'damani sought  a reserve on Turtle Mountain. They had lived there in peace since 1862.
#40: Mouse Valley 
River valleys offer shelter, water, and wood to settler, hunter and traveller alike. The Souris River has been all that and more to the people of our region - for a long time.

#43: Buffalo Hunting / Buffalo Summer Hunt 
 Imagine, riding, full gallop within a tornado of stampeding buffalo, your knees steering your horse, filling your musket on the run, your mouth full of shot and your horn swith gunpowder, firing, reloading and firing again, perhaps 20 times in one run. It's a highly skilled, daring and disciplined affair.

#44: Winter Hunt  
Hunting buffalo at Turlte Mountain in the winter presents some challenges.
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


     Fur Trade      Metis & Mixed Blood     Dakota, Nakota & First Nations          Innovation, Tools & Entrepreneurs              Animals

#46: The Doctrine of Discovery
How did Europeans get the land from Indigenous Nations? There was one official religion in Europe at that time, so that church had a lot of power. Its leader proclaimed the “Doctrine of Discovery” giving European Christian nations the right to claim virtually all of North America.
62: Smallpox  
In 1492 smallpox became endemic on the Euro-Asian and African continents. Residents there carried the disease but were immune to its effects. Noth American were not.
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  | 


Fur Trade    Dakota, Nakota & First Nations       Health     Government Influence    Animals

Theme: The Fur Trade
Format: Resources

Precious Load - Tales of a Turtle Mountain Trapper

The story of Phillip Racine, a fourth generation trapper. who is the great grandson of one of the first Metis settlers in the Lake Metigoshe region of southwestern Manitoba.  This documentary celebrated his unique lifestyle and tells the unexpected tale of the most precious load he ever took out of Turtle Mountain bush.

View on youTube

Vantage Points

Copyright © Turtle Mountain–Souris Plains Heritage Association.