* This section was prepared to provide a visual backdrop for teachers who prefer to use their own words and
thoughts to tell the stories of our land.

Related Resources:  By Chapter

Chapter 1: The Land
Chapter 2: The First People
Chapter 3: The Fur Trade
Chapter 4: Transition
Chapter 5: Pioneers
Chapter 6: New Communities
Chapter 7: Railway Towns
Chapter 8: Railway Expansion
Chapter 9: Diversity

For more stories, articles, podcasts, videos and projects visit:


Find our Vantage Points Series of local history booklets at McNally Books in Winnipeg, The Riverbank Doscovery Centre in Brandon, and Municipal Offices in our communities.

Local History Resources

The Turtle Mountain - Souris Plains Timeline (Download)

Regional Bibliography

Regional History Websites

Two Borders  Grassland   Melita   Sourisford 

Introduction Contents Downloads Resources